Yes, we do have a week off of school coming up, but the fall break I'm writing about is apparently a break from blogging! I've not blogged in 3 months...that's crazy! It's even worse because I haven't really even read any blogs since then either. I'll have to schedule some time with a cup of coffee, grey's anatomy, and the computer this week to catch up!
So...over the past 3 months, not much has really happened. It's been busy at work. Our football team is number one in the state and we're moving on to the quarterfinals next Friday. Right now we're undefeated; let's hope it continues! We're getting close to exams, so things will be busy again soon getting those ready. Other than that, not much is going on. My dad has kidney stones and is in terrible pain, and my mom fell and has a bad sprain in her foot. This means I'm skipping the last UGA game tonight to stay home and take care of's ok, I wanted to! This is the most excitement I've seen in a while! Tim's doing well, too. He's taking 2 classes right now and working. He's been searching for a new job for a while, and he's finally found one! We're both realllllllly excited. He'll be working with one of our friends, so that's nice!
We've both had birthdays since I last blogged. I'll have to post pictures from the party we had for mine in October. I'm now 29, so this is the last birthday I plan on letting people know about! We had an 80's theme...It was fantastic!
I promise to blog more this week and to post pictures...cute ones ;)
Oh...and guess what tomorrow is...OUR 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! YAY!!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
9 months
No...I'm not going to tell you what's happening in 9 months, I'm reminding you of the amazing day that was 9 months ago. November 22, 2009 I married the man of my dreams, my Prince Charming, my knight in shining armor (I've sufficiently made him blush by now). Thank you Tim for making me so happy and making our first 9 months wonderful. I love you!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
We're back in to the swing of things with school's like we never left! I almost know the names of all of my kids, and I've already given homework and there are quizzes this week. I must be one of those mean teachers who really make you work! The best part of the year so far...Tim showed up after school on the first day with a large sweet tea from Chick-fil-a. The best surprise EVER! He's just wonderful like that :)
Here's a history in pics of what's been going on (since it doesn't look like I'm going to get around to in depth blogging any time soon!)...

Monday, August 3, 2009
So much...
Well, even after testing to make sure I could post in Maine, I never it's make up time!
Maine was wonderful. I mean, so wonderful that we made a business plan for when we move up there! Here's all we did...
The first day, we drove to New Hampshire and rode a steam powered train to the top of Mt. Washington. The engine pushes the passenger car instead of being in front. It was crazy...and a little nerve racking! Once we were to the top, the views were great!
The next couple of days we spent time in Boothbay Harbor, and we went on a sight seeing cruise and whale watching. The first boat ride was pretty good...good weather, not too bumpy, and tons of sights to be seen. We saw several light houses, a baby bald eagle, and even the black pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean! The second ride, however, was a little less great. We did see a couple of whales, but the ride made both of us sick. If you've ever been motion sick, you understand how miserable this can be :(
We also went up close to a couple of lighthouses. One was at Pemaquid Point. It's the light house on the Maine state quarter! We climbed up to the top, and we climbed on the rocks at the shore while we were there. It's was so much fun!
The most fun we had was going to Schoodic Point. It was a long drive, but it was totally worth it. It's part of Archadia National Park...lots of long rocky cliffs to climb on. They make me nervous, but the boys loved it. It did make for some beautiful pictures. You could look out and see Cadillac Mountain. When we left the shore, we drove to the top of that mountain and looked down to see where we had just been. It was amazing! I get nervous driving up mountains, but Tim is an excellent driver so it wasn't too bad. I don't know which was better, the top of the mountain or on the rocks!
Over the rest of the trip, we did more sight seeing and visiting other towns around Boothbay Harbor. It really was the best vacation!
There are tons more to write about...the trip and since then. Maybe I'll blog more this week! Until then, here are lots of pics from Maine...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Just a Test...
Just testing out Tim's new blackberry to see if we can blog in Maine without the computer...I think I can!
PS...My classroom is all finished. Posters on the wall and everything!
PS...My classroom is all finished. Posters on the wall and everything!
Monday, July 6, 2009
My Superstar Pitcher
Tim pitched last Thursday for the first time...EVER! His debut was a hit. He did an amazing job. I hate that it was the last game of the season, but it does provide something to look forward to in the fall! Here he is being all amazing and me with my mom being fans...
In other news...
We're gearing up for vacation. Maine is finally approaching! We're working on getting the house ready. I hate coming home to a mess, so we've cleaned and cleaned and cleaned! We put up our new king size bed. It fits perfectly in the bedroom. Our friend Nicole is moving, so we made a deal on a lot of brown and blue accesories for the room as well. I can't wait to finish everything up!
We had a fabulous 4th of July. We hung out with Tim's sister, Lindy, and her family. It was our nephew's birthday, so we gave the kids Dance Dance Revolution for the Wii. It's so much fun! We also went to my friend Katie's house for dinner. It was nice to spend some time with friends. Then, we headed back over to Lindy's and watched the fireworks. We saw a great show! So much fun!!! Here we are in our red, white, and blue...
Also, I've joined Twitter...I'm not sure why! You should totally follow me!
Well, I really should get back to cleaning the house. Have a wonderful day!
Friday, June 19, 2009
You should be jealous...
I just wanted to take a minute and brag on my wonderful husband...I've been wanting to do this for about a week, but life and calculus got in the way! I came home last Tuesday with a terrible migraine. At first, I tried to be suborn and do some laundry...soon I realized that all I needed to do was go to bed! Tim convinced me to do this, and boy was he busy while I slept. I woke up around 11 when he was coming to bed. I went to the bathroom, and it was surprisingly clean! He had not just tidied up, but he had scrubbed it...the tub looked whiter than I've ever seen it! That's not all...he had cut the grass, finished the laundry, cleaned the bathroom, and picked up things around the house. He let me sleep in the bedroom while he did all of this; he even stayed in the living room so he wouldn't wake me. God has truly blessed me with with an amazing man, and I just wanted you all to be a little jealous!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Summer time...
IT'S that is. Of course I'm teaching summer school, so I still can't completely relax. At least it's only half-day...totally do-able! I've been catching up on my blogs this morning, trying to that is! Congrats to Kelly and Casey as well as Chris and Lindsey who are both having little girls! And to all of my teacher friends...hope you're enjoying your summer.
Here's what's been going on with us...
We went up to Helen for a VW show. I admit it was fun!
We went to another car show...this one was local and it was an air-cooled show. Lots of old cars! This one was Tim's favorite!
Also, we went to a Braves game with Patrick and Jennifer...super fun, and amazing seats! We were actually sitting with the players' families!
Have a great day!!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
10 days...
Yay! The end is in sight...summer is so close I can taste it! It seems that life is so busy this time of year. Tim and I have something on the calendar almost every night of the week, and the weekends are the same. After those 10 days, which I'm sure will fly by, are past, I look forward to sleeping in. I must admit, sleeping in is one of my favorite things...ever! I wish I had one of those jobs where I could work either super early so I could take a nap every day, or where I could go to work late so I could sleep in every morning. I guess if I slept in every day, it really wouldn't be sleeping, would it??! is how it is, so I will continue early morning tutoring at 7:15 and I will work until the grading is done! In other news...I was nominated for teacher of the year. It is such a huge honor, especially since it's my first year at the high school. I'm sooooo excited!!!!! I know that I will not be elected because it is my first year, and there are a couple of other amazing teachers nominated, but I was just excited to see my name on the ballot!
Other than the end of the school year, we're staying busy with Tim's softball games (he had an incredible hit tonight), family events , and all other kinds of crazy things that come up! This weekend we're going up to Helen for a VW car show type thing. I plan on having a couple of scrapbooking magazines with me...just in case!
I hope everything in life is treating you well...please leave a comment to say hey and tell us you're still out there!
Other than the end of the school year, we're staying busy with Tim's softball games (he had an incredible hit tonight), family events , and all other kinds of crazy things that come up! This weekend we're going up to Helen for a VW car show type thing. I plan on having a couple of scrapbooking magazines with me...just in case!
I hope everything in life is treating you well...please leave a comment to say hey and tell us you're still out there!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
This has nothing to do with Cinco de Mayo...but I hope you're having a good one!
We've been so busy lately. I think we need an extra weekend to rest up from the past couple of weekends! It may be tiring, but we have been having a great time. Our friend Joseph is home from his army training in Oklahoma, so we've been hanging out with the big group of friends lately. We went out when he first got home (2 weekends ago) are a cute pic of us!
Then, this weekend, we did Relay for Life with my mom's school on Friday, The Braves game on Saturday, and the Cotton Pickin' Fair on Sunday. Here are more pics...

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Back to work...
Well, the end has come...the end of spring break that is :( We're sitting here watching The Unit soaking in the last few minutes of a wonderful week. That list of things I talked about wanting to accomplish this week...well, I didn't get to any of them. It was wonderful! I look forward to 5 weeks from now when I can sleep in again!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Spring Break Picnic...
Tim's boss gave him a couple of days off so we could spend some time together over my spring break. Yesterday we got some things done around the house (like laundry and dishes) and went grocery shopping. We even had my parents over for dinner. Today was the day to chill! We slept late, watched a little tv, and then we had a picnic! It was so nice. The weather was perfect and the sun came out right after we got there. We saw ducks, geese, and a man in a boat! We're so lucky to have the lake so close to our house. Here are some pics from the day...

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Spring Break!!!!!
Finally...spring break is here! I have so much I want to get done, but the best part is, I don't have to do any of it! I've already cleaned up the bedroom, and I'm going to do a little grading tomorrow, so I can totally relax all week. You should expect to see some pics of new scrapbook pages by the end of the week!
Tim's at a car show, so I slept in this morning. It's so weird waking up without him there next to me. It's one of those perks of marriage that you don't miss until he wakes up early!
Enjoy your weekend!
Tim's at a car show, so I slept in this morning. It's so weird waking up without him there next to me. It's one of those perks of marriage that you don't miss until he wakes up early!
Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
One of those days...
I've had one of those of those, everything was great and then one bad class hit-kind of days. I LOVE being a teacher. I know it's where God has put me at this point in time, but teenage girls can be mean! They stress me out. I guess it's a good thing spring break is less than 24 hours away.
This year has gone so quickly. So much has changed...I moved out of Thomaston (which I miss terribly) got married (the best thing ever!), and started a new job. This job has brought me friends, long days, and a sense of belonging. It's crazy to think that in 6 weeks the year will be over. I'm so excited about next year though. I already have ideas in mind and a list of posters I want to buy! I get to teach AP Calc next year, which to most people seems insane, but to me it's a dream job. The only problem is I haven't had calculus in 6 years. I have a book and plan to start studying over the break and more in the summer.
Anyways...enough about high school...
Sunday was Easter. We spent Saturday at Tim's parents house with his sisters and their families. I love having nieces and nephews! They're way to precious. I have high hopes about how cute our kids will be after seeing them :) Tim and I made Easter baskets for each other. I love doing things like that. I think he's learning how much I love it, and he's giving in to the cute-sie little things like that!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Nothin' new...
I guess a month and a half is about long enough to keep you in suspense of the activities of our lives, so I guess I should write a little something! We really haven't been up to anything big...just work and sleep and eating and church and more sleeping ( I heart naps :)). I did get a hair cut and Tim now has a little hair on his chin, so I guess there is a little change!
We went to a couple of Butch Walker concerts last week...Atlanta on Wednesday and Athens on Saturday. Here are a few pics from the show at the 40 Watt in Athens.
We getting all cute tonight...I'm taking Tim on a hot date. We're going to see the Fast and the Furious 4. I haven't seen 1-3, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to catch on. It's a good thing I love him or I just don't think I could sit through it!-Jenn
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Cathcing up...
I guess it's time to play catch up!
Q5-How do you feel today?
Honestly...not that well. I woke up a little sick this morning. I didn't even go to church! Other than that, I feel great! I was on winter break this week, and I got sooooo much done! Our house is finally starting to feel like home. Here's the living room with our fabulous new rug...

This means the scrapbook room is just about ready for use as well. Tim doesn't like for me to call it the scrapbook room...he prefers the red room since one wall is red. He says that a scrapbook room is too girly! Anyways...with the new clean, organized house, we had people over yesterday. Ben and Jeni (one of Tim's good friends and his wife) came over and we cooked. I made burgers that has potatoes, carrots, and onions in them, which means Tim actually ate veggies! For those of you who don't know him, Tim does NOT eat fruits or vegetables, so this was a big victory! Nicole, you would be proud of my cooking! After that, we played the Things game which is amazing amounts of fun! Then, on to Rock Band and the Wii. When they left, some of our other friends came over and we played the same games, but the Things game took an interesting turn...and by interesting I mean gross! So, I guess that sums up how I'm feeling today!
On to Q6...If I could do it all again, would I change anything?
I always say that the one thing I would change would be taking AP English in high school. I went into a regular class since no gifted class was offered, and I think a lot of things would have been different if I had gone into AP. I would have to change my answer now to day NO...I would NOT CHANGE A THING! I love where my life has brought my amazing husband, a job I like (most of the time), and friends that are wonderful.
I know that doesn't completely catch me up...but it's better than no blogging at all! Here are a couple of other things I would like to mention...
-Tim and I have been married for 3 months today! Happy quarter year anniversary!
-A family at our church suffered a tragedy last week. Their 13 month old daughter died. Please remember them in your prayers.
-Back to work tomorrow...have a wonderful week!
Jenn <><
Monday, January 26, 2009
52Q 3and4
Well, I was a week behind on the 52Q's which works out...because I'm still at home sick, and I have time to answer both!
52Q 3-Do you believe in fairies? Well, no, not really, but I do believe in angles. Angles are way better anyway because they're sent from God! We watched The Nativity Story over Christmas break, and I now see angles in a new light. (It's a great movie, WATCH IT!)
52Q 4-When I look into my eyes, I see.....
If I had to answer this week, it would be sickness :( I've been sick, so my eyes look tired. Normally, would want to say I see hope in my eyes. I want to see the hope I have in my job, with my husband, and for my family including those future little ones we want to have! Even when times are no good financially, I want to have the hope of success. When I am sad, I want to have the hope of a happy tomorrow. And when just the fear of the future sets in, I will have my hope in a powerful God who controls that day.
52Q 3-Do you believe in fairies? Well, no, not really, but I do believe in angles. Angles are way better anyway because they're sent from God! We watched The Nativity Story over Christmas break, and I now see angles in a new light. (It's a great movie, WATCH IT!)
52Q 4-When I look into my eyes, I see.....
If I had to answer this week, it would be sickness :( I've been sick, so my eyes look tired. Normally, would want to say I see hope in my eyes. I want to see the hope I have in my job, with my husband, and for my family including those future little ones we want to have! Even when times are no good financially, I want to have the hope of success. When I am sad, I want to have the hope of a happy tomorrow. And when just the fear of the future sets in, I will have my hope in a powerful God who controls that day.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
just because
well Jenn is a little under the weather so i thought i would fill in and put something here. It seems like hers generally have a purpose but i don't rather than just to write. Today is the ultimate lazy day and I am enjoying it immensely. We are on the second movie of the day and it's still pretty early. I don't want Jenn to be sick but being able to take care of her is something i am glad i get to do.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The second question...Am I afraid of change?
YES!!!!! I'm not afraid of it, I'm just not good with it! It takes me a while to adjust. Sleeping in the bed with someone has taken a lot of getting used to...and I know Tim will agree :) The only change I can think of that's bigger than the one that happened to us two months ago is one that we hope to experience in a couple of years ;) I think through my marriage to the most wonderful man in the world I have gotten a little bit better at change. We have made adjustments to succeed this far...and I know the compromise will continue. I have learned that change can be a wonderful thing if you're changing in a good way. Luckily, the changes I have made over the past couple of months have been wonderful, and I can't wait for them to keep coming!
Happy 2 month anniversary Timothy...thank you for making me the happiest girl in the world! I love you!
YES!!!!! I'm not afraid of it, I'm just not good with it! It takes me a while to adjust. Sleeping in the bed with someone has taken a lot of getting used to...and I know Tim will agree :) The only change I can think of that's bigger than the one that happened to us two months ago is one that we hope to experience in a couple of years ;) I think through my marriage to the most wonderful man in the world I have gotten a little bit better at change. We have made adjustments to succeed this far...and I know the compromise will continue. I have learned that change can be a wonderful thing if you're changing in a good way. Luckily, the changes I have made over the past couple of months have been wonderful, and I can't wait for them to keep coming!
Happy 2 month anniversary Timothy...thank you for making me the happiest girl in the world! I love you!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I've found a bit of a connection, so I'm taking full advantage of it! I started going through my old list of blogs (which I haven't visited since last summer) and I found a fun challenge for the year. It's a new question every week. The goal will be to scrap these thoughts and questions eventually, but I thought it would be a god start to get my ideas out on here. We'll see if Tim plays along...I'm not sure he's all about the blogs like I am! :)
So, here's the question for this week...What do I wish for this year to bring?
There are so many things I look forward to this year...
The first thing and most important thing to me this year is the new marriage. I hope that Tim and I grow together as husband and wife, individually as people, and closer to God.
Another thing I am looking forward to is there being less of me by the end of the year! I already lost 2 pounds last week :)
I guess my job is another thing I'm looking forward to. The year ended with a lot of stress in the math dept. It has started off much improved, and I'm am looking forward to it continuing!
The last thing I really, really, really hope comes this year is a clean scrapbook room with time to sit down and create! I'm so looking forward to coming home after work and scribbling pretty things on paper!!!
So, those are a few of the many things I'm excited about coming this year. Let me know what you are looking forward to.
Have a great day!!! :)
So, here's the question for this week...What do I wish for this year to bring?
There are so many things I look forward to this year...
The first thing and most important thing to me this year is the new marriage. I hope that Tim and I grow together as husband and wife, individually as people, and closer to God.
Another thing I am looking forward to is there being less of me by the end of the year! I already lost 2 pounds last week :)
I guess my job is another thing I'm looking forward to. The year ended with a lot of stress in the math dept. It has started off much improved, and I'm am looking forward to it continuing!
The last thing I really, really, really hope comes this year is a clean scrapbook room with time to sit down and create! I'm so looking forward to coming home after work and scribbling pretty things on paper!!!
So, those are a few of the many things I'm excited about coming this year. Let me know what you are looking forward to.
Have a great day!!! :)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Welcome 2009...
Happy New Year!
Tim and I are recovering from the 80's party we attended last night...which was totally tubular dude! Our outfits were radical! My memory card is acting stupid, or I would load pics now. Let's just say...leg warmers, blue eye shadow, a crimper, and Marty McFly!
Hope you have a wonderful 2009 :)
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