Thursday, August 1, 2013

One More Week!

I can't believe that in a week we'll have a new baby!  That's one week or less, we will be a family of 4.  I had my weekly visit at the doctor's office today, and the c-section is scheduled for Wednesday if things don't happen naturally before then.  We were talking tonight, and Tim thinks it's funny to have something like that listed on the calendar!
With the anticipation of new baby, I have been determined to have things much better prepared than when Parker boy arrived.  He was 2 weeks early, and he came over spring break.  For any teachers reading this, you know that you save everything that you need to get done for months to complete over spring break...well, that was all out the window!  I'm pretty sure we only lived in our bed room for a couple of months when he arrived because that was the only room with any place to sit!
This time, I'm forcing myself to nest!  I started a few weeks ago, and things are finally getting there!  The house, with very few exceptions, is ready for baby to arrive...and any other visitors who want to witness the cuteness which will come along with it!  Here is a peek at the living room.
Parker is getting ready to share his room.  We have changed his crib to a toddler bed (finally), and the new baby's bed is all set.  We have some friends at church who are moving and cleaning out, so they gave us a baby bed with a mattress!!!  For a new one-income family, this has been a huge blessing!  The closet is completely cleaned out, and as organized as much as it can be for now.  I know it will change drastically when we know if new baby needs pink or blue, but for now, it's as good as it can be!
I have stocked up on necessities that I won't feel like going to Target to pick up...paper plates, tooth paste, toilet paper,....  It's hard to think of me not wanting to go to Target, but taking 2 little ones with me may keep me at home a lot more!
I've been working on a few crafty projects...curtains for our bedroom, a wreath, and lots of super cute headbands (just incase we have a Charleigh!)
Of course, I've gotten things ready for the hospital as well.  My bag is packed, along with charged cameras, the boppy, and a few of those headbands I've made!  Also, I have gifts for Parker from baby and for baby from Parker.  Parker also has a Big Brother bag that will be awaiting him when he gets to visit at the hospital.  I have a little something special for Tim also, but I don't want to put it on here just incase he takes a look at the blog!

We had our maternity pictures made a few weeks ago, and we LOVE them!  Here's one of my favorites!

I can't fail to mention Tim's promotion at work.  He's been doing great since he's been at Yamaha.  I know that it's not the career that he wants, but he is working his hardest at what God has given him.  I'm so proud of him...not only for the hard work that he puts in, but for doing what it best for our family!  I'm a lucky girl!

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